Thursday, May 6, 2010

Real Estate, what am I doing, social networking

Well I guess I haven't been doing so good with this social networking thing. I think I need to be more committed to discovering ways to get people to follow my sites. I am on fb,twitter,linkin and more. Crazy trying to keep all these things up. There has to be a simplified way of connecting to all these different social sites and keeping your sanity. As a Realtor with Re/Max, just doing the MLS for your clients and keeping up with the market is over powering. Now once I do that we have all of the above and we have to check out Craig's list and all those sites where people sell and search for things. Oh, I forgot to mention keeping up with the massive amount of communication between Realtors and home sellers and buyers. You know it, it makes me crazy.
I am promising myself to get efficient and professional about this, but it is painful.