Monday, September 28, 2009

Super, Duper week-end

Well, here we are on Monday aftyernoon and I am already getting into this social media stuff. I already wrote my real estate blog; I am coping this note in here, because it is so important. It is a note I recieved from my trusted loan officier. They play such a key role in the process of buying and selling real estate. Read this and let me know what you think.
Is that Pre-approval letter you’re holding Valid?One of our loan officers sold their mother’s house a couple of weeks ago and a loan officer wrote a pre-approval letter for the buyers contingent only on an appraisal and acceptable title work. A week into the process, she got a call saying that the parents were being added as co-signers because the co-borrower’s income wasn’t acceptable to the underwriter; less than a year on the job in a commissioned position. This past week, as we were completing loan applications for a number of borrowers, they shared pre-approval letters that they had already received from other lenders. When we asked them if they had actually sat down with the lender and completed all of the disclosures, provided paystubs, bank statements, and tax returns, etc, the answer in ALL cases was no. Each of them had merely had a conversation with someone on the phone or over the Internet. Nothing had been verified. Out of respect for the professionals who put themselves on the line daily and weekly to sell real estate, represent sellers and buyers, it is necessary that we ask a couple of questions to validate a pre-approval. Has the underwriter reviewed the file and issued an approval and what are the stipulations from the underwriter for final approval? In my business model, a pre-approval means that the file has been PROVED and underwritten. There are no shortcuts to reliable information. Do your sellers a favor and insist on full credit underwriting pre-approvals. They only take 24-48 hours with a qualified, prepared buyer and an in-house Underwriter. email me,
This week end had 4 open houses, I felt like falling down last night. It was well worth the effort.

Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm getting it!

I think I am finally getting this stuff down; whew, it is tough to try to blog about this, paste on face book and tweet on twitter. Madonna, I think if you stay at this you might be half decent.
I read other blogs and some are outstanding, I mean to tell you they have those fancy pges with lovely pictures, (they take all themselves) either by camera orsomeone else's page. The time they spend. What on earth am I doing when I am so busy trying to make a living selling real estate in a down market...It takes you way longer to get the job done and you spend way more money doing the job and get pain 60-70% less. Sometimes I lay in bed at night and think to myself, what are you thinking?
I do love helping people and the oppurtunities for buyers and sellers is awesome. I know you think I'm blowing smoke, but really you need to look at the situation. You sell for less, yes, you do, but you buy for way less. Now, think about it; If your payments are twice as much and you sell and buy for less your payments are going to be 60-70% less than you were paying for the same kind of house. Notice your payment goes down the same percentage as my income. Pretty funny, but it is real. I work on commissions.
Life is wonderful and I hope you have a wonderful week-end. I'm doing opens all week end.
I am going to try my best to sell well.
See you next time, Madonna Seelhammer, Remax specialist, the best company in town.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Last weeend of summer?

I am still waiting for summer. Wow! this is definitely a strange climate.
The summer months left us short on sun and rain. How can that be?
I guess maybe that will mean that we have 6 feet of snow this winter.
Great for the ski resorts and the body shops. Oh, don't forget the towing companies and the repair shops when you run in the ditch and tear up your exhaust pipes.
Oh yes! Minnesota is a glorious place to live and our weather cycles improve the economics for small shops.
I wonder if I should go by a snow machine? It might be the only form of transportation on some day's. No, I think I'll just enjoy the day's off and stay warm inside. Those snow day's will give me the opportunity to study the real estate market, digest the statistics and analyze whether or not we are bouncing back.
The statistics already shows that the amount of inventory for sale in the twin cities has shrunk to less than 4 months. That is a huge factor in stabilizing prices.
I am looking forward to a great finish to 2009 and better economic times in 2010.
Sell Well! Be Well! and Keep the Faith!
Happy last week end of summer.
Madonna Seelhammer