Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I'm bad

Real Estate in Minnesota is picking up. The market has increased in value 3.5% and new home starts are up. What a ride it has been. For all the people who have been sitting on the fence, now is the time to jump off. That’s enough about work today.

We had the best time at Halloween, it has been years since I dressed up and it was fun being a hippie. Everyone who came to the party had such creative characters. Matt spray painted dyed long johns green and cut the bristles off my ?mark red broom and spray painted that green as well, cut out question marks , put them all over the green long johns and sprayed them black. He painted his finger nails green and my granddaughter put? marks on them. My daughter sprayed his hair & goatee red. He was a great Jokester, Jim Carey would have been proud. They left the party and went to the local pub for the costume judging and Matt won first place. What a hoot.

It is suppose to be 58 degrees today. So back to work I go so I can enjoy the Rayes this afternoon.

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