Monday, August 24, 2009

Social media, lost and found

I have created a monster. OMG! I find myself more and more in front of a computer screen trying to figure out what I did and didn't do. I find the social media learning blog then I loose it, started another on MN real estate, lost that....Wow! now I have them both together and hopefully I will be able to keep up with the craziness I have created. Now I'm wondering where on earth all this stuff we put on the computer goes? I think I found a home for my stuff; but, how did it get there? How do we manage to find it? People all over the world are doing the same thing. Fascinating! I wonder if all these little bits will one day come flying out of space like dust from another planet? I am sure there is enough informational bits out there to create more real estate by filling in all the sink holes, adding to the mountains and filling in the swamp land. No! not our lakes and oceans, too. I better stop this rambling or I will create the next makings of a horror show, NOT, most likely there is already one about this subject, I just don't watch horror shows so have no idea. Since I am not sure if anyone besides myself reads these things I am going to try and be constructive today and create a fabulous, non resistable marketing plan for real estate houses I have listed for sale in wonderful Minnesota. Let me hear from you if you read my ramblings.

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